Thursday, 18 March 2021

The ideal fly rod for small river

 Fly fishing for native anglers on a small river in the county area may be one of the most memorable experiences of a lifetime. Trying to get the fussy fish in untouched waters is what makes this sport really interesting.


On the contrary, some small rivers are simply different but are really good spots for fishing by a proficient angler. The right equipment, flies and clothing can assist you to make the most of your adventure. The fly rod might be the most vital aspect of your small river set up.

One question that I frequently hear is "what is the ideal small river fly rod?" Okay, allow me to clear it up now. There is no deal fly rod for small rivers. But there are other aspects about fly rods that you would like to know.


Be mindful, as there are many self proclaimed fly fishing savvies that are too keen to give their opinion on the perfect rod for the smaller streams. Don't be too hasty to accept their remarks as from Bible and go out to purchase a rod based on their opinion. I wish I can give you a short answer and point to the particular rod that would be perfect for any small river you might face during your fly fishing activity, but I can't do that and I bet nobody else can.


Most people just don't understand the aspects involved in choosing a rod for small river fishing, as there are various aspects to mindfully contemplate before spending money on a new rod. That is precisely what we're going to do here. We'll discuss various vital rod and river aspects that will help you in choosing the right rod for small river. After going through the right information, it will be you who will be making the eventual decision as to which rod is perfect for you.

What is a small river?

First of all, we have to understand precisely what is a small river. Therefore, what type of river you will be fishing in? Is it just a small river? What implies a small river to you may not be a small one for another angler? All the fly fishers may not have the same opinion here.


In case of a small river, there are no place on the banks where you can conveniently roll to the other side. When the water is clear, you will always be able to see at the bottom. Let us say that a small river is the one where you can cast  the TFO fly rods anywhere you want,  and most importantly, we will assume that you have fish in it.


Length of the Rod

The length of the spey rods is a very vital consideration and in some situations, might be even more vital than the weight of the rod.


I hope I have provided you sufficient information here to assist you in choosing the best rod for your particular applications.